Nine Israeli Jewelers / No Problem (?)
“No Problem (?)” addresses the tension that exists between the monumental problems of the State of Israel and the “flippant” jargon of everyday speech that often seems to belie these problems.
This exhibition brings together the outstanding talent of contemporary studio jewelers from two renowned Art Schools — Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem and Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan.
“NO PROBLEM (?)” is curated by Deganit Stern Schocken – a leading force in the field of Contemporary Art Jewelry and one of Israel’s most important studio jewelers.
Participating Artists:Shirly Bar-Amotz, Rory Hooper, Aviv Kinel, Gregory Larin, Tehila Levi, Michal Oren, Dana Seachuga, Deganit Stern Schocken, Edda Vardimon.
Artist Reception: Sat. Feb. 13, 2010 7-9 pm.