Robert Ebendorf / That’s So Ebendorf – Pieces Past and Present

Exhibition: Oct. 11 – Nov. 6, 2011
Artist Reception: Sat. Oct. 15, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Off The Street From The Beach. Neckpiece, 1992, mixed media
She Has A Goldfish. Pendant, 2010, mixed media
Photo Collage with Brooch. Wallpiece, 1982, mixed media. In collaboration with Francois Deschamps.

Robert Ebendorf began recycling the ordinary things that society discards long before “re-purposing” became a fashionable buzzword.  His jewelry charms and delights the eye and the mind without the need for the use of precious materials.
Encouraged by his mother to follow his artistic bent as a child growing up in Kansas, he went on to receive a degree in Metal and Jewelry Design from the University of Kansas, Lawrence followed by a Masters degree in 3-Dimensional Design.  Equally beloved as a teacher as he is an artist, he has taught at the State University of New York at New Paltz and several important craft schools.  He has been the Carol Grotnes Belk Distinguished Professor in the Department of Art at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC  since 1999.  He has  also worked in Oslo, Norway, first on a Fulbright scholarship and later with a Louis Comfort Tiffany grant.
A founding member of SNAG, the Society of North American Goldsmiths, he became one of its first presidents.  He is considered by many to be one of the most outstanding figures in American craft today.
Robert Ebendorf’s work can be found in renowned museums and private collections worldwide.

Reception: Sat. October 15, 2011 7-9 pm.

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